Set the stage for entrepreneurial success and become a magnet to attracting opportunities effortlessly through uncovering your conscious creator genius


Cultivate Unwavering Confidence

Cultivate Unwavering Confidence

Cultivate Unwavering Confidence

In this three-part workshop experience, you will transform self-doubt into unshakable confidence as you unveil your distinct creator mode, activate your soul-aligned vision and craft a powerful personal manifesto that aligns with the life you are creating.

Total Value $797 Currently Free. 

Sign up below to get immediate access!

Ready to ignite your confidence?

Welcome to

Does This Sound Like YOU?

You have this innate desire for more than just a thriving online business; you deeply crave a life filled with purpose, passion, financial freedom, and the ability to effect change while making a lasting impact on the lives of others. Deep down, you desire to thrive as a confident entrepreneur, leading a business that leaves a meaningful mark on the world.

You're HERE to live a life that lights you UP! and you know that it's possible for you 

But there's a slight hiccup..

But there's a slight hiccup..

you find yourself going through all the motions right now, and it's not making it any easier


You lack confidence and have this deep-seated fear that you won't be successful with your business. This keeps you tossing and turning at ALL hours of the night


You're struggling with procrastination and avoidance due to having SO many ideas and this has put you into a state of feeling overwhelmed (like all the time!)


The fear of judgement, societal expectations and what others think continue to live rent-free in your mind making you doubt yourself and your abilities


You keep comparing yourself to others online and then end up being disappointed thinking that you are not where you "should" be


Constantly seeking external validation and overthinking decisions - which continue to fuel a cycle of self-doubt and inaction (a self-fulfilling prophecy).

Engaging in endless planning and strategising without decisive action - causing analysis paralysis and avoiding doing the things that actually move the needle forward (Hello overwhelm!).

Holding back on expressing your ideas and showing up authentically - because of what others might "think".

Constantly comparing your journey against others - setting unrealistic benchmarks, and allowing those external comparisons to dictate your happiness.

The TRUE secret to unlocking unwavering confidence and achieving your entrepreneurial dreams isn't:

Instead? It's embracing your unique conscious creator genius and taking massive imperfect action from that aligned state

So that you don't remain trapped in the cycle of self-doubt, overwhelm, and the fear of judgment, which will only hault your progress in helping others that really need your help.

My Mission:

To Help You Uncover Your Conscious Creator Genius

Your Conscious Creator Genius is the unique blend of your innate talents, authentic self-expression, and the ability to manifest your deepest desires into reality. It's the reservoir of creativity, intuition, and wisdom that lives within you, waiting to be tapped into and activated. Your Conscious Creator Genius is the core essence of who you are.

so, what is a conscious creator genius?

You will dive deep into the core of creation itself and uncover the two distinct creation modes that shape your ability to manifest. You will identify which creation mode you are currently on and learn how to shift into the one that aligns with your desired reality.

In this guided meditation, you will dive deeper into your aspirations and gain practical insights to bring your vision to life. You will set aside your 'humanness' and intuitively think from your creator mode. With this new clarity and newfound purpose, you will confidently activate your vision.

Here's What You'll Learn

Discover Your Creator Mode

Unveil Your Inner Vision

part one

part two

Now that you have uncovered and activated your vision, it's time to master the skill of crafting a powerful story. Channel your inspiration and draw upon your newfound clarity to weave a narrative that resonates with your aspirations. Take decisive steps towards making your vision a compelling reality by infusing your story with purpose and intention.

Craft Your Powerful Story

part Three



You feel a deep sense of calm and confidence in your actions and decisions, especially when it comes to attracting new clients and guiding them towards positive transformations using your unique gifts.

imagine this...

You have achieved a harmonious work-life balance while continuously being presented with exciting, fulfilling opportunities that align with your passions and values.



You embrace your calling with clarity and newfound purpose.

You're now operating a thriving and successful business while surrounded by a supportive circle of like-minded business besties.


You wake up each day with excitement and energy, while you effortlessly make a significant impact on the lives of those around you.


Yes, I'm in!

What You Get

Three short, powerful and activating lessons to unlock your conscious creator genius, activate your vision and craft your personal powerful manifesto.

three powerful lessons

A downloadable step-by-step digital workbook for actionable exercises.

Accompanying Workbook

A vision activation meditation that you get to keep for LIFE!


“Show up online as the bold and fearless creator of your success story.”

— hayley kirkwood

Hey, I'm Hayley!

As a mindset and embodiment coach, I have inspired hundreds of ambitious women to cultivate unwavering confidence and ignite their leadership potential.

Over the past decade, I have dedicated my life to supporting heart-led entrepreneurs in manifesting their vision and turning it into a tangible reality. I understand the experience of being self-critical and feeling the pressure to create a soulfully aligned business.  

However, it is possible to reframe your sense of worth and consciously create a life filled with exciting and fulfilling opportunities that align with your passions and values. 

When you learn to consciously choose the path that aligns with your deepest desires, you can focus your energy more intentionally, shaping your ability to manifest. 

I am here to support you as you make powerful changes, enabling you to fully embrace your calling with clarity and newfound purpose. 

Are you ready to unlock your full potential and boldly step into your magical future? 

Let's get started! 

